Saturday, July 9, 2011


Im soldier.
I dont have a name, I dont have a feelings.
The army says that Im belong them. Im their property.
But actually I have a fellings.
sometimes I just want to abandon my gan. I want to leave it and go. Go to some place that anybody are dancing with abandon.
My officer says that I have the abilities to be officer like him. And I answer him that I need to think about it. I was lying to him. The absolutle truth is I absulutly dont want to be like him.
I dont want to be absorb in the army. He is absorbent. He can absorb anything that army order.
And Im missing absorbent. I cant absorb nothing.
"The absorption must be in every man" that's my battalion comander said.
I dont accept it but it is acceptable to everyone here. there isn't here acceptance of somthing else. The access here is to what the army said. The home is not accessible. You can see your home after two years for just one month. There isn't accebility to radio or television.
Its like big prison. However the different here you dont use with household accessories to murder someone.
Here you use a real gan to accessory to kill the bad people.
You must accomplish every operation. And if you dont accomplished fighter, you couldn't get great accoplishments.
According to the army's orders you must not kill anyone. Accordingly if you kill innocent civilians you must acount for your actions. And on acount of that you may go to the military jail.

Remember in the army you must be acountable for your actions!

Thursday, October 28, 2010


When I was a child I liked to play with alot of children.
Always I buy icecream with a several flavors.
My closet full of clothes I never waer.
And my shoe can't find its partner of all my many shoes.

My mother always scold me "You eat more then you can swallow" and doesn't only mean expression.

I wanna be a superman or Mabey god want I replace him for a few months or even years.

yes, I'm greedy like everyone says.
Is it good or bad ? I dont know.
I just know I like more and more and more...

Sunday, October 24, 2010

What can I do ??

To breath a fresh air I may.
I have a two legs then I can play.

And when I was a baby I could say just "mama" and "papa"but these days i cant keep my mouth shut.

I am able to do what ought do.
But can I really do what I want?
I dont know. Im really confused about it.
Am I really can do everythings? Am I omnipotent? Is there any omnipotent in the world?
But if I cant do everythigs like a normal person, so what can I do?
Can I achive my dreams ? do I have enough talent to do so ?
Should I achive my dreams? meybe I must do what everybody do. meybe I should do something that I will earn alot of money.

I think that mustn't succumb to the convetions of society.
everyone ought to do what he like.

And I like to write you.


The Confused Blogger.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


If you say that black people are primtive, you must be tugger.
But, if you help to immigrantes to step up in life, you are very hugger.

If you think that all the ultraorthodox fanatic, you are absolutly tagger.
And if you look at the arabic in hate you cant be hugger.

If you discriminate against Easterns peoples, and you dont like Ashkenazic person, you are big tagger.

Gays are not a Aids sickers.
Mentally ill patient is not a stupid.

We must love each other, and dont forget that all of us , the same god create.


Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Hey guys,

How'r you doing?
I hope you ok, don't you?
I'm great, am I not?
I hope everything ok , doesn't it?

I'm sure that you quiz yourself, what happend to him ?
He freaked out, didn't he?

No guys I didn't freak out, I'm just kiding, because latly I noticed that one of my friend freaquently ends his sentences with question.
For example, our conversation seen like that:

Me : Hey dude, how do you do ?

QUESTION MARK: I'm fine, am I not?

Me: I'm ok

Q.M: Last friday you were in the party, weren't you?

Me: Yes i were...

Q.M: That was in TEL-AVIV,wasn't it?

Me: Yes but...

And before I finished he cut my sentence and saied: You were with a five friend, weren't you ?

I bursted out laughing, ignored his question and saied: Why? Why do you always do it ?

Q.M: Do it, what?

Me: You always ends your sentences with question, "am I?", "don't I?" "aren't you?" WHY??! WHY?!! WHHHHHYYYYYY????????!!!
Stop it mister "QUESTION MARK" thing!

Q.M: What?! What are you talking about? I don't do enything from what you were riminding...
You can't make me laugh again!

Me: "can you ?" I saied and was laughing.

It's so funny!
he is so weird, isn't he?
don't you think like me?
maybe I was little nasty, but that was with a smile. yes, I am "SMILING DEVEL".

So take the life easy and don't forget to smile.


"Smiling Devel"

Monday, June 7, 2010



Nice to meet all the readers, if someone read this.
I write here because my English teacher ask me to write a post on the blog.
And i think to myself what sould i write about?
And how do I do it in English?
Do I know enough English to write a blog?
And why in general I need to know that language?
Why everybody need to know that ?

Then I suferd in the internet to wikipedia web, and i search there the vocable "english".
The blah, blah, blah about the origin of the language doesn't intrestaned me.
I want to know why? Why is son important to know english?
Suddenly,i found the answer!
On wikipedia was write that 500 milion people to 1.8 miliard people know english in every level, 300-400 know the language in mother tongue level.

In addition english control in the media, science, business, internet and more important issues.
The english is the official language in many countries like India, Irland, Canada, New Zealand, some state in Africa and more...
In contrary to what people may think, altho the govermant and most of the residentes in Australia and United State speak english, the english is not the official language there.

Well am i convince????
I must to know english if i want to succeed and to know another people in all over the world.

So, i hope it was intresting for you, and you forgive me about the mistakes.
I will be back in the new post soon.

bye bye! :)